How do I manage updates and plugins?

On wildcloud you have control over managing updates and plugins through a version-controlled environment. Here's how you can manage them:

On wildcloud you have control over managing updates and plugins through a version-controlled environment. Here's how you can manage them:

  • Version Control for Updates: When updating plugins, rather than directly updating on live sites, you should create a new version of your application. You can update the plugins within this new version, test them, and then move all sites to the updated version, ensuring a smooth transition without disrupting live sites.
  • Using the Version Editor: To add or update plugins, navigate to your version editor within the wildcloud console. There, you can update existing plugins or install new ones, and then deploy these changes across all sites using that version of the application.
  • Plugin Activation: After adding new plugins, they are not automatically activated because the platform does not update tenants' databases automatically post-deployment. To activate new plugins, you may need to follow specific procedures, which are outlined in the wildcloud documentation.
  • Testing Updates: Always test updates on a few sites before deploying them to all sites. This helps ensure that the updates work as expected and do not cause any issues.

For detailed instructions and best practices on managing updates and plugins, you can refer to the articles and resources provided in the wildcloud documentation.