Move a Tenant to Another Version

Plugins, the WordPress version and PHP version cannot be directly updated on a tenant. Using wildcloud you do this through using versions. Move your tenant from one version to another to update them.

wildcloud makes it possible to move tenants from one version to another version. This allows you to create some test tenants on one version and see if certain updates don't break anything, before actually moving your live tenants. 

In this documentation, we will explore steps to move a tenant to another version.

Let’s get started!🚀

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and you will be navigated to the Applications page by default.

Step 2: Click on Go To App and it will navigate you to the product page.

Note: You can also click on the application name as it will navigate you to the same window.

There are two different options to move a tenant to another version.

Option 1

Step 1: Click on the Tenants option from the left menu bar of your product page.

This will navigate you to the tenant details page.

Step 2: Select the tenant you want to move to another version.

Step 3: Click on Actions “caret down icon” and select the Move to version option from the dropdown list. 

A modal window will appear to select the version where you want to move your tenant.

Step 4: Select the version from the dropdown menu and click on the Move to version button. This will move your tenant to the desired version. 

Option 2

Step 1: Move to the tenants section of the product page and select the tenant you want to move.

Step 2: Click on the Actions dropdown menu and select the Move to version option from the dropdown list.

A modal window will appear to select the version where you want to move your tenant.

Step 3: Select the version from the dropdown menu and click on the Move to version button. 

This will move your tenant to the desired version.