If you're encountering a situation where the anticipated plugins aren't visible on the tenants created through your storefront, there could be several factors at play.
If you're encountering a situation where the anticipated plugins aren't visible on the tenants created through your storefront, there could be several factors at play. Here are some steps you can take to identify and resolve this issue:
- WaaS-Host Remove Plugin Capabilities for Administrators: This is a setting in the WaaS-Host that is turned on by default to ensure compatibility with previous versions. By default, in newly created tenants, administrators have no rights to activate, deactivate, edit or view plugins. This setting can be disabled, but we do recommend using a different default user role for the users on your newly created tenants.
- Plugin Activation via Console: Use the plugin management feature in the Console to activate or deactivate plugins. Remember, this only affects plugins when you interact with it. For example, certain plugins like the WaaS-client might disable other plugins if activated in the backend.
- Ensure Proper Tenant Configuration: Check if the tenant is correctly configured. Misconfiguration, such as missing user roles, can occur if the plugin is not activated or installed.
- Check Snapshot and Version Deployment: Make sure you are deploying the correct snapshot version. Check if version that marked as “production version” is the latest version. The API will provision the latest snapshot of the production version to provision new tenants.
- Revisit WaaS Set-up: Review the entire setup process of the WaaS Client. Check if the right plugins are selected for the user role you have configured. Revisit the products in your storefront site to see if it’s set-up correctly.
By following these steps, you can more effectively diagnose and resolve the issue of plugins not appearing on tenants created by your storefront.