Why does wildcloud not offer direct database access?

wildcloud operates on a serverless cloud platform, which inherently differs from traditional hosting environments that might offer direct database access.

wildcloud operates on a serverless cloud platform, which inherently differs from traditional hosting environments that might offer direct database access. Here are the reasons why direct database access is not provided:

  • Security and Integrity: Opening up the database outside of the cluster for direct access could pose security risks. wildcloud prioritizes the security and integrity of the multi-tenant environment, which could be compromised with direct access.

  • Infrastructure Paradigm: The infrastructure of wildcloud is powered by Kubernetes, which requires the ability to terminate pods and containers within a reasonable timeout period. Stable connections with long runtimes for operations that are not controlled by the infrastructure do not align with this paradigm.

  • Automated Operations: wildcloud's philosophy emphasizes automated, repeatable operations over manual interventions. Manual changes to the database can be error-prone and go against the grain of an automated, scalable product.

  • Consistency Across Tenants: Given the multi-tenant nature of the platform, changes in the database would need to be consistent and applicable across all tenants. Direct access could lead to inconsistencies and potential conflicts.

  • Repeatable and Testable Code: wildcloud advocates for the use of migration scripts in custom plugins to handle database changes. This approach ensures that all modifications are repeatable, testable, and reversible, which is crucial for maintaining a stable and scalable environment.

In essence, the absence of direct database access on wildcloud is a deliberate choice to maintain the highest levels of security, consistency, and automation for all tenants on the platform.