What happens to my pricing if wildcloud updates its pricing structure in the future?

wildcloud reserves the right to adjust the amount of the agreed prices and rates annually on January 1st, with a maximum increase of 5% per year.

wildcloud reserves the right to adjust the amount of the agreed prices and rates annually on January 1st, with a maximum increase of 5% per year. This is communicated to clients via a written notification. If wildcloud introduces new products as upgrades to the platform, these will be priced separately, and you have the choice to use these new products without it affecting your existing agreement.

In the event of a pricing update, your current pricing would be subject to the terms outlined in your agreement with wildcloud. Typically, any changes to the pricing structure would not affect your current billing cycle but may be applied to subsequent billing periods. It is advisable to review any written notifications from wildcloud regarding pricing adjustments to understand how they may impact your future invoices.