View, Change, & Cancel Subscription

wildcloud operates on usage based pricing, which allows you to pay for only the resources you use, providing a flexible and scalable solution for your application needs.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to:

  • View a Subscription
  • Change a Subscription
  • Cancel a Subscription

Let’s get started 🚀

View a Subscription

Log in to your wildcloud account and click on My Subscription from the left menu bar of the interface.

This will navigate you to the subscription page where you can explore information related to your service plan and the time stamp of the account creation (at the top). 



Service Plan

Current subscription plan.


The timestamp when the account was created.


Subscription Management


This gives an overview of the usage and associated costs for a subscription excluding free tiers such as the Tenant Backup free tier or Snapshot storage free tier and service plan fees. At the start of subscription periods, Service Plan fees are charged as well as the accumulated costs for usage of the previous period. 

For more information, refer to the Monitor Usage for a Subscription documentation.


Displays the total list of created applications with the information including name, region, version, tenant, and timestamp.




Name of the created application


The region selected for the application


Number of versions created for the application


Number of tenants created


Timestamp when the application was created


Lists all the invoices which are created per period, per subscription and contains the Service Fee for the coming period and the costs associated with usage of the platform from the previous period.

For more information, refer to the Monitor Invoices for a Subscription documentation.


You can view the number of users including their last login and login count. It also provides the option to add and remove the user from the wildcloud account.

For more information, refer to the Add & Remove a User documentation.


Allow quick access to Cancel the Subscription at any time.

Change a Subscription

If you want to change the subscription plan of wildcloud, perform the following steps: 

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and click on My Subscription from the left menu bar of the interface. 

Step 2: Hover your cursor on the Pick a service plan and click to open the subscription plan page. 

Note: Pick a service plan option appears only when your trial period is ended.

Step 3: Select the subscription plan with which you wish to continue

Standard or Turbo

Selecting either of standard or turbo subscription plan will navigate you to the Billing address page.

Enter the requested information including first name, last name, company, email, VAT (optional), address, city, country, and Zip code. Click on the Save button after entering the values. 

You will navigate to the Add a card details page. Enter your card details and click on the Submit button.

A modal window appears requesting the OTP (for payment verification) sent to your mobile number linked with the bank. Enter the OTP in the given field and click on the Confirm & Pay button to buy the subscription plan. 

Cancel a Subscription

Cancelling a wildcloud subscription will remove the applications, versions, and tenants linked to this subscription. If you want to cancel the subscription plan of wildcloud, perform the following steps: 

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and click on My Subscription from the left menu bar of the interface.

Step 2: Click on Others and press Cancel Subscription button.

A modal window appears to cancel your subscription. Click on the Send email option.

Step 3: Navigate to the inbox of your registered email address and click on Finish Cancellation Process. This will lead you to the page to cancel your subscription.

Step 4: Read the terms and click on I understand to confirm subscription cancellation.