Version Management and Cost Implications

In this documentation, we delve into the concept of Versions within Wildcloud's multi-tenant WordPress setup, explaining their purpose, functionality, and the rationale behind the associated costs.

Version Management in Wildcloud

  • Concept Similarity: Version management in wildcloud is akin to Git Branching. It allows for creating clones of your Production Version for isolated testing and development.
  • Rollback Capability: In case of issues, you can easily revert changes by migrating Tenants back to a previous Version.

Why Does Wildcloud Charge for Running Versions?

  • Resource Intensity: The multi-tenant environment of a Version, which provides centralized updates and staging capabilities, is resource-intensive.
  • Cost Justification: These resources are comparable to maintaining a simultaneous staging environment for all your Tenants, which incurs significant operational costs.

Economical Usage of Versions

  • Switching Off Versions: To manage costs effectively, wildcloud enables you to turn off a Version when it's not in active use.
  • Impact on Tenants: Switching off a Version does not affect your Tenants' functionality or your ability to launch new Tenants.
  • How to Switch Off: You can disable a Version using the red button on the top right corner of the Version page in the wildcloud console.
  • Relaunching the Version Editor: Reactivating the Version Editor is a quick process, taking about a minute, and helps in economical usage of wildcloud services.

Practical Tips for Version Management

  • Monitoring Usage: Regularly monitor your Version usage to align with your budget and operational needs.
  • Communication with Stakeholders: Inform your team about the cost implications and encourage responsible usage of Version resources.


Understanding the dynamics of Version management in wildcloud is crucial for optimal utilization of the platform. It not only ensures efficient deployment of updates across your multi-tenant setup but also aligns operational costs with your usage patterns.