Shutting down the Version editor

Not working on a certain version or done for the day? Shut down your version editor to safe costs.

When you shut down the editor, it disables you from using the version editor or deploying a new (version) Snapshot. When the version editor is running it needs to be available and thus hosted on the wildcloud cluster. Hosting this version editor costs resources and thus certain costs are attached to keeping your version available. Cut the unnecessary cost by shutting it down the version editor when you're not using it. 

Shutting down the version editor will not affect the tenants running on that version or interfere with tenant creation!

When you need the editor again, simply click the "Editor" button on your version. The version will go into a busy state and when the editor is available, a new tab will open that will log you into the WordPress Admin panel.

Note: If the editor does not open, but the version is not busy anymore, your browser might be blocking the new tab as it thinks it's an unnecessary pop-up. Simply click the editor button again, or create a pop-up exception for the wildcloud console!

In this documentation, we will explore steps to shut down an editor.

Let's get started! 🚀

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and you will be navigated to the Applications page by default.

Step 2: Click on Go To App and it will navigate you to the product page.

Note: You can also click on the application name as it will navigate you to the same window.

Step 3: Hover your cursor on the version for which you want to trigger the “Shutdown Editor” and click on the version name.

This will navigate you to the Version details page. Click on the Action button to access the dropdown menu of available options.

Step 4: Select Shutdown Editor to halt your version editor. You may need to wait a few minutes for the editor to shut down.

Alternatively, you can also click on the power button to shut down the editor.