Managing subscription users

Learn how to easily add and remove users from your subscription.

You can easily add new users to your subscription for free to give access access rights to them. However, if you want to remove users from your subscription plan, then you can do that at any time without their consent.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to add and remove a user. 

Let's get started 🚀

Adding a User

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and click on My Subscription from the left menu bar of the interface.

Step 2: Click on the Users under the Subscription management.

Step 3: Click on the + button to add a user. 

Step 4: Enter the details of the user you are inviting including Email address, First Name, and Last Name.  Click on the Submit button after entering the values.

A new user has been added to your list.

Remove a User

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and click on My Subscription from the left menu bar of the interface.

Step 2: Click on the Users under the Subscription management.

Step 3: Move your cursor on the user that you want to remove and click on the Remove User Access Right button. 

Step 4: A modal window will appear to confirm the action. Click on the Remove user access rights button to proceed.