How do I migrate a multisite into wildcloud?

To migrate a multisite network into wildcloud we recommend using Prime Mover. Here are the steps you need to follow:

To migrate a multisite network into wildcloud we recommend using Prime Mover. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Initial Setup: Create a new application within the wildcloud platform.
  2. First Import: Start with a site from your multisite network for the initial import. Export this site as a single site and import it into wildcloud as a version.
  3. Snapshot Creation: After the successful import of the initial site, create a snapshot within wildcloud.
  4. Tenant Provisioning: Determine the number of tenants you need, corresponding to the number of sub-sites within your multisite network. Provision a tenant for each sub-site you plan to import.
  5. Subsite Imports: Use Prime Mover to export each subsite as a single site and then import them individually into the corresponding tenants you've provisioned in wildcloud.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions during the migration process, you can reach out to wildcloud support for assistance.