1. Documentation
  2. Application (WaaS)

Creating a storefront

Our storefront plugins help you automate website creation. Follow this guide on how to create a storefront.

The storefront is defined as an application that uses the API feature provided by wildcloud to provision and manage tenants on the wildcloud platform. You can connect more than one Storefront to an Application, which allows you to have multiple specialized stores or set up a local development environment.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to create a storefront.

Let’s get started🚀

Step 1: Log in to your wildcloud account and you will be navigated to the Applications page by default.

Step 2: Click on the Create Application to build your first application. 

This will navigate you to the Create new application page providing you with a few options to start creating your application.   

Step 3: Click on Create a Storefront and click Next at the bottom of the page to start working on your application.

Step 4: Enter the name that you want to give to your storefront application and click on the Next button. 

Step 5: Select the Region in which you want to create your storefront and click on the Next button. 

Step 6: Connect your storefront to an application by selecting any of the available options.

Note: When you launch a storefront, you will have a separate application in which the storefront will exist.

Option 1: Select “laterto connect your storefront to an application later on. Choose this option when you do not want to create the application and want to focus on creating the storefront only. In this case, only the storefront gets created.

Option 2: Select “to a new empty Client Application” and enter the New Client Application Name. Select this option when you want to import an existing site or want to build it from scratch. In this case, a storefront and empty client application will be created.

Option 3: Select “to a new demo Client Applicationand enter the New Client Application Name. In this case, the storefront application and a demo client application is created. The demo application will have API keys and the storefront tenant will have those API Keys as PHP Constants. Moreover, the demo application consists of different tenant snapshots that can be used to create new tenants with the storefront. 

Option 4: Select “to an existing application” and choose an application from the dropdown menu. Select this option if you have already created your client application and now want to create a storefront application.

After making a selection, click on the Create Storefront application button.

This will create your storefront application and navigate you to the Resource status page where you can view your newly created “storefront” and “connected application” along with the current version and tenant. 

Note: It may take a few minutes to show the storefront application resource status.

Step 7: Click on Go to Application to view your newly created storefront details.

This will navigate you to the Storefront details page where you can explore general information about the storefront, version details, and tenant details. 

Storefront Details

General Information




Name of the Storefront


Timestamp when the storefront was created


Subscription under which the storefront is created


Navigate to this section to perform the following actions:

  1. Shutdown the editor
  2. Deploy a snapshot
  3. Import an Existing Site as a Version

You can also view all the snapshots (version, tenant, custom) created under the respective version of the newly created storefront.


Navigate to this section to perform the following actions: 

  1. Import an Existing Site as a Tenant
  2. Add a tenant

You can also view the tenants created and explore the following information.




Name of the created tenant


URL link of the tenant

Running on version

Displays the version on which the tenant was created

Last updated

Timestamp when the tenant was updated last time


Timestamp when the tenant was created


Displays the status of the tenant

Step 8: Click on Go to version to view the first version of your newly created storefront.

This will navigate you to the version details page of the newly created storefront where you can explore general information about the version, tenants, and snapshots. 

Version Details

General Information




Displays the name of the version


Timestamp when the version was updated last time


Timestamp when the version was created

WordPress version

Displays the WordPress version of the version

PHP version

Displays the PHP version of the version


Displays the status of the version


You can view the list of the created tenants and view the following information related to them.




Name of the created tenant


URL link of the tenant

Last updated

Timestamp when the tenant was updated last time


Timestamp when the tenant was created


Displays the status of the tenant


Displays all the snapshots (version, tenant, custom) created under the respective version of the newly created storefront.

Step 9: Click on Go to tenant to view tenants of your newly created storefront.

This will navigate you to the tenant details page of the newly created storefront where you can explore general information about the tenants, domains, PHP constants, backups, and WP plugins. 

Tenant Details

General Information




Displays the name of the tenant


Timestamp when the tenant was updated last time


Timestamp when the tenant was created

External ID

Displays the external ID (identifier) of the tenant

Product version

Displays the version of the tenant


Displays the domain name of the newly created storefront.

For more information, refer to the Add, Verify & Delete Domain documentation.

PHP Constants

To inject secrets or configurations into your tenant. Defined constants will be available in your tenant as actual PHP constants. 

For more information, refer to the Create, Update, & Delete PHP Constants documentation.


Every application on the wildcloud Platform has a Backup for 30 days by default.

For more information, refer to the Create, Restore, & Delete Backups documentation.

WP Plugins

Displays the list of plugins which you can activate or deactivate for the particular tenant whenever you want.

For more information, refer to the Activate & Deactivate WP Plugins documentation.

In a similar way, you can also view details of the second (connected) application by navigating to:

  1. Go to application
  2. Go to version
  3. Go to tenant